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 Preventive Dentistry



Exam and X-Rays  • Cleanings/Adult prophylaxis • Full Mouth Debridement • Scaling and root Planning • Periodontal maintenance • Fluoride Treatment  •  Oral Cancer Screening  •  Laser Dentistry

Exam and X-Rays examinations provide valuable information that helps Dr. Ayoub evaluate your oral health. With the help of X-Rays, Dr. Ayoub can look at what is happening beneath the surface of your teeth and gums. Radiographs allow Dr. Ayoub to see hidden abnormalities, like tooth decay, infections and sign of gum disease.

How often X-rays should be taken depends on the patient oral health, age, risk of disease, and any signs and symtoms of oral disease a patient maybe experiencing. For example children may require X-ray more often than adults because their teeth more likely affected by tooth decay.

Cleanings/Adult prophylaxis is commonly called a dental cleaning and should be performed every six months.It is a preventive dental service which includes scaling and polishing of the teeth to remove plaque, calculus and stain above the gumline. It also reduces gingivitis which is an inflammation of the gums which may cause bleeding.

Full Mouth Debridement is a very thorough deep cleaning needed if you have an excessive buildup of calculus or have some form of gingivitis or periodontitis. Scaling and root Planning- is the most common and conservative form of treatment for periodontal (gum) disease. Scaling is the removal of calculus (commonly called tartar) and plaque that attach to the tooth surfaces. The process especially targets the area below the gum line, along the root. Plaque is a sticky substance, full of bacteria, that forms on teeth. When plaque hardens over time, it is called calculus. Plaque is more likely to stick to rough surfaces. For this reason, the root surface is made smooth in a process called root planing. Root planing removes any remaining calculus and smoothes irregular areas of the root surface.

Scaling and root Planning is the most common and conservative form of treatment for periodontal (gum) disease. Scaling is the removal of calculus (commonly called tartar) and plaque that attach to the tooth surfaces. The process especially targets the area below the gum line, along the root. Plaque is a sticky substance, full of bacteria, that forms on teeth. When plaque hardens over time, it is called calculus. Plaque is more likely to stick to rough surfaces. For this reason, the root surface is made smooth in a process called root planing. Root planing removes any remaining calculus and smoothes irregular areas of the root surface.

Periodontal maintenance is an ongoing program designed to prevent disease in the gum tissues and bone supporting your teeth. Regular dental cleanings are conducted every six months; however, Periodontal Maintenance requires more frequent check-ups and cleanings, every three months.

Fluoride Treatments you receive in Dr .Ayoub’s office have more fluoride than over-the-counter fluoride mouthwash or toothpaste. They are used for both children and adults. Dental-office treatments also are different chemically and stay on the teeth longer.
There are two common types of professionally applied fluorides. Acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) is acidic; neutral sodium fluoride is not. Neutral sodium fluoride usually is used for people who have dry mouth (xerostomia) or who have tooth-colored fillings, crowns or bridges. An acidic fluoride may irritate a mouth that is dry. It also can create small pits in composite fillings.


Fluoride is applied as a gel, foam or varnish during a dental appointment. The teeth are dried so the fluoride doesn't become diluted. Fluoride can be applied by using a tray that looks like a mouth guard for one to four minutes. Fluoride also can be painted directly on the teeth. It comes in a variety of flavors, but it should never be swallowed.

Demineralization begins with the type of bacteria that cause plaque on your teeth. These bacteria feed on sugar in your mouth and produce acids. The acids dissolve the crystals in your teeth. Remineralization builds the enamel back up. In this process, minerals such as fluoride, calcium and phosphate are deposited inside the enamel. Too much loss of minerals without enough repair of the enamel leads to tooth decay.

Fluoride strengthens teeth by helping to speed remineralization. It also helps to stop bacteria from making acids. Teeth can absorb fluoride in two ways. One way is through the small doses that children swallow in food, supplements and fluoridated water. This fluoride enters the bloodstream and becomes part of the permanent teeth as they develop. The teeth become stronger, so it is harder for acids to destroy the enamel.
Fluoride also can enter teeth directly in the mouth. This occurs in several ways:


  • When you get a fluoride treatment at the dental office

  • When you brush with fluoride toothpaste or use a fluoride rinse

  • When fluoridated water washes over your teeth as you drink

Fluoride treatments commonly are given to children as their teeth are developing. If your child has a history of cavities or is at high risk of decay, he or she should use additional fluoride. This promotes remineralization of the teeth. Many children get fluoride treatments every six months. The treatments provide extra protection against cavities, even if children already drink fluoridated water.

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